This is a short but powerful video by someone that had studied with Jehovah’s Witnesses for a short while with genuine questions. Their final partingRead More
Male survivors
Today I am posting this as it is over a year since I posted on this subject with some useful information. I had thought thereRead More
Undue Influence
“Undue Influence is the application of social, emotional or physical pressure to convince a person to align with some cause or belief system against their better interests. ItRead More
Moral responsibility
This is a huge subject, however I wanted to write a small piece about acting with personal or moral responsibility. In the course of ourRead More
A moving post
This was a very moving post made by Tylin Joel on the Ex-Jehovah’s Witness Recovery Group 3 on Facebook. I wanted to share this withRead More
Who can a man tell?
The year 2015 has been quite a year so far for me. At my current age of 42 (birthday this month!) I have for theRead More
Religious Trauma Syndrome (RTS)
I have just been reading a very interesting article written about the trauma of leaving a religion. I left a religion I was very closelyRead More
Why I went public
Recently events that were private to me became public. I could have remained anonymous but chose to waive my anonymity. You may be wondering why.Read More